Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Japanese Clear Onion Soup

Japanese Clear Onion Soup
2 • onions [diced]
6 cups • vegetable broth or water [whichever you have at hand]
2 • celery stalks [diced]
2 • carrots [peeled and diced]
2 • garlic cloves [minced]
handful • button mushrooms [thinly sliced]
handful • sliced scallions
to taste • salt and pepper
to taste • soy sauce and Sriracha
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  1. Sauté the onions in a pot in a little bit of oil until slightly browned.
  2. Add the carrot, celery, and garlic and 6 cups of vegetable broth/water.
  3. Bring to the boil and then simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  5. Strain the veggies from the broth and add the mushrooms and scallions before serving.

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